55 Names That Mean Fat or Chubby

Being overweight or chubby has often been associated with negative connotations, but the truth is that body size and shape are diverse and beautiful.

In many cultures, being plump or having some extra weight is actually seen as a sign of prosperity, good health, and even beauty.

This is reflected in the numerous names around the world that have meanings related to fatness or roundness.

Here are 55 names from different languages and cultures that celebrate this diversity and showcase the positive side of being fat or chubby.

Female Names That Mean Fat or Chubby

  1. Adiposa – This Latin name literally means “fat” or “fleshy.”
  2. Afraa – In Arabic, this name means “plump,” “well-fed,” or “abundant.”
  3. Alva – This Old Norse name has multiple meanings, including “elf,” “fairy,” and “chubby.”
  4. Bhumi – In Sanskrit, this name means “earth” or “ground” and is often associated with fertility and abundance.
  5. Bunda – This Swahili name means “plump” or “round.”
  6. Carsey – This Irish name means “curly-haired” and can also be translated as “plump.”
  7. Chanda – In Hindi, this name means “moon,” but it can also refer to someone who has roundness or plumpness in their face.
  8. Dodie – This Greek name means “gift of God,” but it can also be linked to the word “dodoni,” which means “plump.”
  9. Eira – In Welsh, this name has multiple meanings, including “snow” and “fat” or “fleshy.”
  10. Enid – This Celtic name means “soul,” but it can also be translated as “fat” or “plump.”
  11. Fionnuala – In Irish, this name means “fair-shouldered,” but it can also be linked to the Gaelic word “fuinseog,” which means “chubby-cheeked.”
  12. Fulva – This Latin name literally means “yellow” or “tawny,” but it can also be translated as “plump.”
  13. Ginette – In French, this name is a diminutive of “gina,” which means “fatty” or “fat.”
  14. Gunda – This German name means “war” or “battle,” but it can also be linked to the word “gundula,” which means “chubby.”
  15. Jola – In Polish, this name means “violet flower,” but it can also be associated with the word “jola,” which means “plump” or “fleshy.”
  16. Kaira – This Arabic name means “noble” or “princess,” but it can also refer to someone who is plump or chubby.
  17. Babli – In Bengali, this name means “plump” or “healthy.”
  18. Bathsheeba – This Hebrew name means “daughter of an oath,” but it can also be translated as “plump” or “curvy.”
  19. Lalana – In Sanskrit, this name means “beauty,” but it can also refer to someone who has a plump or round figure.
  20. Beatha – This name means “full of life” or “abundant,” which can be interpreted as being full or plump.
  21. Dita: Slavic name meaning “riches,” which can imply abundance or fullness. Also linked to word “dik” meaning plump.
  22. Gavanaugh: Irish name meaning “white hawk” but also associated with roundness and plumpness.
  23. Kessie: Hebrew name meaning “cinnamon,” which can be linked to roundness and plumpness.
  24. Kibibi: Swahili name meaning “little girl,” often given to a plump or chubby baby.
  25. Mashauva: Shona name meaning “big and plump.”
  26. Rebekah: Hebrew name meaning “to tie” or “to bind,” but can also be linked to plumpness and abundance.
  27. Sanna: In Arabic, this name means “delicate” or “plump.”
  28. Talulah: Choctaw Native American name meaning “leaping water” but also associated with roundness and fullness.
  29. Ula: In Lithuanian, this name means “sea jewel,” but it can also be linked to the word “ulėka,” which means “plump” or “round.”
  30. Roseneder: German name meaning “rose gardener,” but can also be interpreted as “round” or “plump.”

Male Names That Mean Fat or Chubby

  1. Azzurro – This Italian name means “azure” or “blue,” but it can also refer to someone who is plump and round.
  2. Bolton – This English name means “farm by the stream,” but it can also be interpreted as “round” or “chubby.”
  3. Brandeis – This German name means “dweller in the brushwood,” but it can also be linked to the word “brand,” which means “plump” or “rotund.”
  4. Cullen – This Irish name means “holly tree,” but it can also be translated as “chubby” or “fleshy.”
  5. Groot – In Dutch, this name literally means “large” or “big,” but it can also be linked to the word “grote,” which means “fat.”
  6. Tubsy – This English name is a diminutive of “tubby,” which means “chubby” or “fat.”
  7. Hugo – In German, this name means “mind” or “intellect,” but it can also be linked to the word “hug,” which means “plump” or “round.”
  8. Crispus: Latin origin, meaning “curly-haired,” but can symbolize richness in character or appearance.
  9. Edmund: Old English origin, meaning “wealth” or “riches protection,” implying robustness.
  10. Felix: Latin for “happy” or “fortunate,” often associated with a bountiful life.
  11. Gordon: Scottish origin, meaning “great hill,” symbolizing a strong and substantial presence.
  12. Harold: Norse origin, meaning “army ruler,” which could imply a commanding and stout figure.
  13. Humphrey: German origin, meaning “peaceful warrior,” could represent a sturdy and powerful individual.
  14. Jasper: Persian origin, meaning “treasurer,” implying wealth and plumpness.
  15. Lucius: Latin origin, meaning “light” or “shining,” which can be associated with a full and radiant appearance.
  16. Aapeen: In Finnish, this name means “bear,” but it can also be linked to the word “apee,” which means “fat” or “chubby.”
  17. Ganesh: In Sanskrit, this name is associated with Lord Ganesha, a deity known for his round belly and abundance.
  18. Ahlab: Hebrew name meaning “fat tail,” often given to a plump or chubby baby.
  19. Uzoma: African name meaning “good road” or “successful journey,” symbolizing prosperity and fullness in life.
  20. Yusuf: Arabic origin, meaning “God increases,” implying growth and abundance.
  21. Pylyp: Ukrainian name meaning “lover of horses,” but also associated with a robust and round figure.
  22. Breidr: Norse origin, meaning “broad” or “wide,” often associated with a sturdy and plump build.
  23. Tallan: Australian aboriginal name meaning “strong” or “powerful,” which could be interpreted as being full and round.
  24. Guifford: English origin, meaning “from the cliff ford,” but can also be linked to the word “guif,” which means “plump” or “chubby.”
  25. Mogosanu: Romanian name meaning “son of Mogosa,” a traditional figure associated with fertility and abundance.


In conclusion, while many may view the terms “fat” or “chubby” as negative connotations, these names show that they can also symbolize abundance, strength, and beauty.

Whether it be in physical appearance or character traits, these names celebrate the diversity of body types and promote positivity towards all shapes and sizes.

So if you are looking for a name that embraces fullness and plumpness, there are plenty of options to choose from! 

So, embrace your curves and be proud of who you are. Remember, beauty comes in all shapes and sizes! Keep shining, you beautiful round human being.

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