Envy and Jealous is a complex and powerful emotion that has intrigued humans for centuries. It’s a feeling that can consume us and drive us to do unspeakable things.
For best or worst, it’s a part of the human experience and has inspired countless works of art, literature and even names.
In this post, we will explore 100 unique and awesome names that mean envy/jealousy and their origin stories.
Why Choose Envy / Jealousy Names?
Choosing a name associated with envy or jealousy may seem counterintuitive at first glance, as these emotions are often viewed in a negative light.
However, it’s a decision steeped in depth and introspection.
These names often carry a weight of historical and literary significance, reflecting complex human emotions and experiences.
Choosing such a perspective can provide a nuanced view of life, recognizing that all emotions, even those deemed negative, shape who we are.
Names with these meanings can inspire a child to understand and navigate their feelings with empathy and strength, turning potential weaknesses into sources of resilience.
This choice challenges societal norms, embracing emotional diversity and fostering uniqueness and self-awareness from an early age.
It encourages the child to navigate their emotions with awareness and empathy, cultivating resilience and a balanced outlook on life.

Girl Names That Mean Envy / Jealousy
- Envy: Derived from the Latin word ‘invidia’, meaning “to look against” or “to see maliciously”.
- Jealousy: A variation of the English name ‘Jeal’, which means “fierce and passionate“.
- Zelma: This Greek name means “jealous” or “zealous”, reflecting a strong sense of protectiveness.
- Nadine: This French name means “filled with envy”.
- Penelope: In Greek mythology, this name belonged to the faithful wife of Odysseus who was often viewed as a symbol of female jealousy.
- Neidhard: This German name means “hard envy” and is a strong choice for a girl born to stand out.
- Invidia: Another Latin name, meaning “envy” or “jealousy”.
- Tariqah: This Arabic name means “one who knocks on the door at night”, reflecting the secretive nature of jealousy.
- Zavislava: A unique Czech name meaning “jealousy and love”.
- Keresse: This French name means “envy” or “desire”, making it a lovely choice for a passionate girl.
- Anasuyak: This Indian name means “one without envy or jealousy”.
- Zelah: A Hebrew name that means “jealousy” or “zealous”.
- Laneyra: A creative combination of the names Lane and Kira, meaning “gracious envy”.
- Anasuya: A Sanskrit name meaning “one without envy”.
- Kiera: This Irish name means “little dark-haired one” and is often associated with strong-willed women who may incite feelings of jealousy in others.
- Esha: A Hindi name that means “desire”, and is often linked to the emotion of jealousy.
- Etain: This Irish name means “jealousy” or “envy”.
- Etaoin: An Irish name that means “jealousy” or “envy”.
- Anatoli: This Russian name means “sunrise“, but it also has connotations of jealousy and envy.
- Invidia: This Italian name means “envy” or “jealousy”.
- Zillah: A Hebrew name that means “a shaded place”, often representing a sense of secrecy surrounding envy and jealousy.
- Livia: A Latin name that means “envious” or “jealous”.
- Zelde: A Yiddish name meaning “graceful and envious”.
- Amalathousa: This Greek name means “the one full of jealousy”.
- Loisteen: A Finnish name meaning “envy” or “lust”.
- Nirupama: This Indian name means “without envy”.
- Megaera: In Greek mythology, this name belonged to one of the three Furies who were tasked with punishing those consumed by jealousy and envy.
- Aldora: This Welsh name means “golden envy”.
- Zephira: A Hebrew name meaning “envy” or “desire”.
- Kareesha: This African name means “gracious envy”.
- Fayola: This African name means “one who walks with honor and jealousy”.
- Celia: A Latin name meaning “heavenly jealousy”.
- Aamanee: This Arabic name means “one who desires and envies”.
- Fantine: A French name meaning “child of envy” or “fantasy”.
- Aideen: A Scottish name meaning “envy”.
- Alyva: A Lithuanian name meaning “envious”.
- Zara: This Arabic name means “blossom”, but it also has connotations of envy and jealousy.
- Lilianna: A variation of the name Liliana, which means “jealousy” in Italian.
- Anaisa: This Spanish name means “to envy”.
- Phthonia: In Greek mythology, this name belonged to a goddess of envy and jealousy.
- Nefeli: A Greek name meaning “cloud”, often representing a sense of fleeting emotions like envy and jealousy.
- Ailani: This Hawaiian name means “chief or chiefess” but it also has connotations of leadership and potential envy from others.
- Cana: A Turkish name that means “desire” and is often associated with feelings of jealousy.
- Vasu: This Indian name means “envy”.
- Etaina: A variation of the Irish name Etain, meaning “little jealous one”.
- Darby: This Irish name means “jealousy”.
- Lileth: In Hebrew mythology, Lileth was the first wife of Adam and is often viewed as a symbol of female envy and jealousy.
- Zarae: A Greek name meaning “envious one”.
- Amaris: This Hebrew name means “one who is jealous”.
- Leviah: A variation of the Hebrew name Leviah, which means “lamentation” or “jealousy”.
Boy Names That Mean Envy / Jealousy
- Klaus: A German name meaning “victorious envy”.
- Himmat: This Arabic name means “strength” and is often linked to the emotion of jealousy.
- Zelmar: A German name that means “jealous protector”.
- Livius: A Latin name meaning “envious”.
- Pascal: Derived from the Latin word ‘pascha’, meaning “Passover” or “Easter”, but it also has connotations of envy and jealousy.
- Zelotes: This Greek name means “one who is jealous”.
- Zelos: Steeped in Greek mythology, Zelos personifies zeal, rivalry, and jealousy.
- Beriah: A Hebrew name meaning “in evil or misfortune”, often associated with feelings of envy and jealousy.
- Evan: Of Welsh origin, this name means “young warrior” but it can also have connotations of fierce competition and jealousy.
- Yasir: This Arabic name means “rich” or “wealthy” but it can also represent a sense of envy.
- Phthonus: In Greek mythology, Phthonus was a personification of jealousy and envy.
- Ehioze: Hailing from Benin, Ehioze shines as a beacon “Above the envy of others.”
- Murad: This Arabic name means “desired” or “wanted”, often associated with feelings of envy and jealousy.
- Phthonus: Emerging from Greek origins, Phthonus embodies the essence of “Envy.”
- Asuya: Rooted in Indian culture, Asuya embodies the shades of “Envious” and “jealousy.”
- Othello: From William Shakespeare’s play, Othello is a character consumed by jealousy and envy.
- Zelos: Steeped in Greek mythology, Zelos personifies zeal, rivalry, and jealousy.
- Katleho: This African name means “success” but can also represent potential envy from others.
- Kadmos: In Greek mythology, Kadmos was known for his fierce jealousy and competitive spirit.
- Iago: Yet another Shakespearean character, Iago is driven by envy and jealousy to manipulate those around him.
- Invidius: This Latin name literally means “envious” or “jealous”.
- Abheesht: This Indian name means “desired” but can also have connotations of envy.
- Cyrann: A variation of the Greek name Kyran, which means “little dark one”, often associated with strong-willed boys who may incite feelings of jealousy in others.
- Zeli: A short and sweet Hebrew name meaning “envy”.
- Babeesh: This Indian name means “one who is jealous”.
- Zelotes: A Greek name meaning “zealous” or “jealous”.
- Baliye: Refers to someone who desires to uphold humanity or is envious.
- Billie: This English name means “resolute protector”, but it can also represent a sense of competitiveness and jealousy.
- Tycho: In Greek mythology, Tycho was known for his envy and resentment towards others.
- Phthonos: This Greek name means “jealousy” and was also the name of a goddess in Greek mythology.
- Leviathan: In some interpretations of Hebrew texts, Leviathan is seen as an embodiment of envy and jealousy.
- Icarus: From Greek mythology, Icarus’ jealousy and desire for fame ultimately led to his downfall.
- Zelos: Steeped in Greek mythology, Zelos personifies zeal, rivalry, and jealousy.
- Anil: This Indian name means “wind” but it also has connotations of change and potential envy from others.
- Diarmuid: This Irish name means “envy” or “jealousy”, but it can also represent a strong and competitive spirit.
- Kedar: A Hebrew name meaning “strong” or “powerful”, often linked to feelings of envy and jealousy.
- Kermit: This Irish name means “free man” but it can also be associated with feelings of jealousy and competition.
- Genvieve: A variation of the French name Genevieve, which means “white wave”, but can also represent a sense of envy or rivalry.
- Livianus: A variation of the Latin name Livius, which means “envious”.
- Zaffre: This Arabic name means “envy” or “jealousy”.
- Amon: In Egyptian mythology, Amon-Ra was a god associated with fertility and envy.
- Petiroc: From Greek origins, Petiroc embodies “Envy.”
- Aman: This Hindi name means “peace” but can also represent a sense of envy.
- Neidhard: Derived from the German word ‘neid’ meaning “envy”, this name has a strong connotation of jealousy.
- Uriah: This Hebrew name means “God is my light” but it can also represent a sense of envy or competition towards others.
- Kjalarr: A variation of the Old Norse name Kjalar, which means “jealousy”.
- Zelos: Steeped in Greek mythology, Zelos personifies zeal, rivalry, and jealousy.
- Sicily: This Italian name means “from Sicily” but it can also represent a sense of envy or competitiveness.
- Arden: Of English origin, this name means “eagle valley” but it can also represent a strong and competitive nature.
- Tiresias: In Greek mythology, Tiresias was known for his ability to see the future but also for his envy and jealousy towards others.
As you can see, there are many boy names out there that have meanings related to envy and jealousy.
Whether you seek a strong, competitive name or one that delves into darker emotions, these names put a unique spin on traditional naming conventions.
So if you’re looking for a name for your little bundle of joy with a bit of an edge, consider one of these names that exude envy and jealousy.
Who knows, maybe it will inspire them to rise above those emotions and become the best version of themselves.
So go forth, new parents, and find the perfect name for your little one! Happy naming!