135 Fortunate Names That Mean Lucky or Blessed

There are many factors that contribute to a person’s sense of luck or fortune in life. Some people attribute it to hard work, while others believe in fate and destiny.

But did you know that your name can also have an impact on your perception of luck?

In many cultures, names hold special meanings and significance. Certain names are believed to bring good luck and blessings to the person who bears them.

So if you’re looking for names that mean lucky or blessed, here are some options to consider.

Why Choose Names That Mean Lucky or Blessed?

Before we dive into the list of names, you may be wondering – why choose a name that means lucky or blessed?

Well, for starters, it can give your child a positive sense of identity and purpose. Names have a powerful influence on our perception of ourselves and others.

By choosing a name associated with luck and blessings, you are instilling positive qualities in your child from the very beginning.

Moreover, it can also serve as a reminder to be grateful for the blessings in one’s life and to remain optimistic during challenging times.

Names That Mean Lucky or Blessed

Boy Names That Mean Lucky or Blessed

  1. Asher – This Hebrew name means “fortunate” or “blessed.” It has been used since ancient times and is associated with good fortune and happiness.
  2. Felix – Derived from the Latin word for “lucky,” this name has been popular throughout history, especially in Roman and Spanish cultures.
  3. Edmund – This English name means “fortunate protector” or “blessed guardian.” It was often given to children born into noble families as a symbol of their privileged status.
  4. Chance – A simple yet impactful name, it comes from the Old French word “chance,” meaning “luck” or “fortune.”
  5. Barak – This Hebrew name means “blessing.” In the Bible, Barak was a military leader who led his people to victory against their enemies.
  6. Avyaan – A Sanskrit name meaning “blessing of God,” it has become popular in recent years due to its modern and trendy sound.
  7. Baruch – A Hebrew name that means “blessed,” it has strong religious connotations and is believed to bring good fortune and blessings to the bearer.
  8. Benedict – Meaning “blessed” or “well-spoken,” this Latin name has a rich history and is associated with Saint Benedict, the founder of the Benedictine order.
  9. Ayman – This Arabic name means “blessed” or “lucky.” It is a popular choice among Muslim families and can be used for both boys and girls.
  10. Madhav – A Sanskrit name meaning “fortunate,” it is often associated with Lord Krishna and his divine blessings.
  11. Benedetto – The Italian version of the name Benedict, it has a romantic and lyrical sound.
  12. Bennett – A modern variation of the name Benedict, it has gained popularity in recent years and means “blessed.”
  13. Eijaz – This Arabic name means “miracle” or “blessing.” It has a unique and powerful sound.
  14. Bonaventure – Meaning “good luck” or “good fortune,” this Latin name is associated with Saint Bonaventure, a medieval theologian and philosopher.
  15. Aadi – A Sanskrit name meaning “first” or “original,” it is believed to bring good luck and blessings to the bearer.
  16. Ansel – This German name means “blessed” or “favored.” It has been used since the Middle Ages and is associated with Saint Anselm, a famous theologian.
  17. Dillon – Derived from the Irish word “díolainn,” meaning “faithful” or “loyal,” it is believed to bring good fortune and blessings.
  18. Eamon – A Gaelic name that means “wealthy protector” or “fortunate guardian,” it has a strong and noble sound.
  19. Lucky – As straightforward as it gets, this English name means “fortunate” or “favored.” It is a popular choice among modern parents.
  20. Salman – This Arabic name means “safe” or “blessed.” It has been used since ancient times and is associated with the biblical King Solomon.
  21. Behrooz – A Persian name meaning “fortunate” or “lucky,” it has a beautiful and exotic sound.
  22. Feliciano – This Spanish and Italian name means “fortunate” or “lucky.” It is associated with the Latin word “felix,” meaning “happy” or “blessed.”
  23. Chauncey – Derived from the Latin word “chance,” it has a unique and modern sound.
  24. Edric – This Old English name means “prosperous ruler” or “blessed leader.” It has been used since medieval times and is associated with strength and good fortune.
  25. Fausto – Meaning “lucky” or “fortunate,” this Italian and Spanish name has a sophisticated and elegant sound.
  26. Ganesh – This Sanskrit name is associated with the Hindu god of luck and success, who is believed to remove obstacles from one’s path.
  27. Jadon – A Hebrew name meaning “thankful” or “grateful,” it has a positive and optimistic connotation.
  28. Madoc – Derived from the Welsh word “mad,” meaning “fortunate” or “blessed,” it has a unique and charming sound.
  29. Ryota – This Japanese name means “refreshing” or “lucky.” It has a modern and trendy sound.
  30. Saad – A popular Arabic name meaning “blessed” or “fortunate,” it has a strong and powerful sound.
  31. Taran – A Gaelic name meaning “thunder” or “luck,” it has a strong and bold sound.
  32. Umit – This Turkish name means “hope” or “expectation.” It is believed to bring good luck and blessings to the bearer.
  33. Feliz – This Spanish and Portuguese name means “happy” or “fortunate.” It has a simple and joyful connotation.
  34. Ibon – A Basque name meaning “fortunate” or “blessed,” it is associated with the element of water and has a soothing and peaceful sound.
  35. Rishi – This Sanskrit name means “sage” or “wise one.” It has a spiritual and mystical connotation, making it perfect for parents looking for a meaningful name.
  36. Ishaan – A Hindu name meaning “blessed” or “divine,” it is associated with the sun god and is believed to bring good luck and blessings.
  37. Kazuki – This Japanese name means “peaceful fortune.” It has a modern and trendy sound, making it a popular choice among parents.
  38. Valentino – Derived from the Latin word “valens,” meaning “strong” or “healthy,” it is believed to bring good luck and blessings to the bearer.
  39. Zelig – This Yiddish name means “blessed” or “happy.” It has a unique and quirky sound, perfect for parents looking for a less common name.
  40. Tarak – A Sanskrit name meaning “star” or “luck,” it is associated with bright and positive energy. 

Girl Names That Mean Lucky or Blessed

  1. Felicity – Meaning “happiness” or “good luck,” this Latin name has a cheerful and joyful sound.
  2. Beatrix – Derived from the Latin word “beatus,” meaning “blessed” or “fortunate,” it has a charming and vintage feel.
  3. Gwendolyn – This Welsh name means “blessed ring” or “fortunate child.” It has been used since medieval times and is associated with strength and good fortune.
  4. Blythe – A unique English name meaning “cheerful” or “blessed,” it has a simple and optimistic connotation.
  5. Niamh – Pronounced as “neev,” this Irish name means “bright” or “radiant.” It is associated with good luck and blessings in Irish mythology.
  6. Lorelei – Derived from the German word “lore,” meaning “luck” or “fate,” it has a romantic and enchanting sound.
  7. Zahara – This Arabic name means “blooming flower” or “fortunate.” It has a beautiful and exotic feel.
  8. Blessing – As straightforward as it gets, this English name means “divine favor” or “good fortune.” It is a popular choice among modern parents.
  9. Winifred – Meaning “blessed peace” or “holy reconciliation,” this Welsh name has a strong and noble sound.
  10. Asha – A Sanskrit name meaning “hope” or “wish,” it is associated with luck and prosperity in Indian culture.
  11. Ilona – This Hungarian name means “light” or “blessed.” It has a graceful and feminine sound.
  12. Safiya – Derived from the Arabic word “safi,” meaning “pure” or “lucky,” it has a sophisticated and elegant feel.
  13. Aviya – A Hebrew name meaning “my father is lucky,” it has a strong and meaningful connotation.
  14. Bridget – This Irish name means “exalted one” or “strength.” It is associated with good fortune and blessings in Irish mythology.
  15. Aanya – A Sanskrit name meaning “infinite” or “endless,” it is believed to bring good luck and blessings to the bearer.
  16. Fortuna – This Latin name literally means “fortune” or “luck.” It has a strong and powerful connotation.
  17. Clover – A symbol of good luck and prosperity, this English name has a whimsical and nature-inspired feel.
  18. Zora – Derived from the Slavic word “zorja,” meaning “dawn” or “luck,” it has a unique and exotic sound.
  19. Noura – This Arabic name means “light” or “blessing.” It is associated with good luck and positivity.
  20. Shreya – A Sanskrit name meaning “auspicious” or “fortunate,” it has a beautiful and lyrical sound.
  21. Faustina – Derived from the Latin word “faustus,” meaning “lucky” or “auspicious,” it has a sophisticated and elegant feel.
  22. Sadhvi – This Sanskrit name means “virtuous woman” or “fortunate one.” It has a strong and powerful connotation.
  23. Gwyneth – Meaning “fortunate” or “blessed,” this Welsh name has a graceful and elegant sound.
  24. Benicia – A Spanish name meaning “blessed” or “fortunate,” it has a unique and charming sound.
  25. Sena – This Turkish name means “happy omen” or “good luck.” It has a simple and sweet connotation.
  26. Amber – A name derived from the gemstone, it is believed to bring good luck and protection to the bearer.
  27. Eliana – Meaning “God has answered” or “God has given,” this Hebrew name is associated with blessings and divine favor.
  28. Sachi – A Japanese name meaning “blessed” or “fortunate,” it has a gentle and soothing sound.
  29. Nell – Short for the Greek name Eudocia, meaning “good luck” or “prosperous journey,” it has a vintage and charming feel.
  30. Zara – This Arabic name means “princess” or “blessed.” It has a bold and confident sound, perfect for parents looking for a strong yet feminine name.
  31. Ananda – A Sanskrit name meaning “bliss” or “happiness,” it is believed to bring good luck and blessings to the bearer.
  32. Winona – Derived from the Native American name “Winonah,” meaning “firstborn” or “lucky,” it has a strong and unique sound.
  33. Benedicta – This Latin name means “blessed” or “fortunate.” It is associated with good luck and blessings in Christian tradition.
  34. Lucky – As straightforward as it gets, this English name has a fun and playful connotation.
  35. Aiko – A Japanese name meaning “love” or “affection,” it is believed to bring good luck and blessings to the bearer.
  36. Beata – Derived from the Latin word “beatus,” meaning “blessed” or “fortunate,” it has a delicate and feminine sound.
  37. Halona – This Native American name means “happy fortune” or “lucky.” It has a beautiful and melodic sound.
  38. Zada – Meaning “prosperous” or “fortunate,” this Arabic name has a strong and powerful connotation.
  39. Zulaika – A Swahili name meaning “fortunate” or “successful,” it has a unique and exotic sound.
  40. Carwyn – This Welsh name means “blessed love” or “very blessed.” It has a strong and romantic feel.

Unisex Names That Mean Lucky or Blessed

  1. Avery – Of English origin, meaning “wise” and conveys a sense of blessing and good fortune.
  2. Bliss – English name directly signifying joy and blessing.
  3. Cary – Welsh origin, meaning “love,” and indirectly associated with blessings.
  4. Chance – English name embodying luck and fortune.
  5. Dakota – Native American in origin, meaning “friendly one,” suggesting a blessed life.
  6. Eden – Of Hebrew origin, symbolizing paradise and blessings.
  7. Fay – Derived from French, meaning “fairy” and associated with luck and magic.
  8. Gael – A name of Gaelic origin meaning “blessed and generous.”
  9. Harlow – Old English origin meaning “army,” but also associated with a life of blessings and prosperity.
  10. Jesse – Hebrew name meaning “gift,” implying a blessed existence.
  11. Kai – Hawaiian origin, meaning “sea,” signifies natural blessings.
  12. Lucky – English name directly denoting luck and fortune.
  13. Mika – Japanese origin, meaning “beautiful fragrance,” considered a blessing.
  14. Nilo – Of Scandinavian origin, implying “rest” and “luck.”
  15. Oriel – Latin origin, meaning “golden,” symbolizing a blessed life.
  16. Pax – Latin for “peace,” representing a serene and blessed existence.
  17. Quinn – Celtic origin, meaning “wise” and “counsel,” suggesting a fortunate life.
  18. Riley – Of Irish origin, meaning “valiant,” often associated with a blessed life.
  19. Sage – Latin meaning “wise” and “prophet,” suggesting wisdom as a blessing.
  20. Taran – Welsh origin, meaning “thunder,” indicative of powerful blessings.
  21. Umi – Egyptian for “life,” denoting a blessed existence.
  22. Vesper – Latin for “evening star,” a symbol of hope and blessings.
  23. Wynn – Old English, meaning “friend,” associated with a fortunate friendship.
  24. Xen – Of Greek origin, meaning “foreigner” but associated with unique blessings.
  25. Yael – Hebrew origin, meaning “mountain goat,” symbolizing steadiness and blessings.
  26. Zion – Hebrew for “highest point,” suggesting a blessed peak or zenith.
  27. Ash – English origin, related to the ash tree, signifying life and blessings.
  28. Bryn – Welsh meaning “hill,” symbolizing a steady, blessed rise.
  29. Corey – Gaelic origin, meaning “hollow,” but traditionally associated with peace and blessings.
  30. Drew – Short form of Andrew, meaning “strong and manly,” but often linked with a lucky charm.

Names That Mean Destiny or Fate

  1. Kismet – Turkish name meaning “fate” or “destiny.” It has a unique and exotic sound.
  2. Akira – A Japanese name meaning “destiny” or “bright,” it has a strong and powerful connotation.
  3. Evanthia – Derived from the Greek word “evanthos,” meaning “blooming” or “flowering,” it has a romantic and enchanting sound.
  4. Destin – A French name meaning “destiny” or “fate.” It has a strong and confident feel.
  5. Mira – A Sanskrit name meaning “destiny” or “fortune,” it is associated with blessings and good luck.
  6. Nasira – Meaning “helper” or “supporter,” this Arabic name also has connotations of guiding one towards their destiny.
  7. Fate – As straightforward as it gets, this English name embodies the idea of fate and destiny.
  8. Niamh – Derived from the Irish word “niam,” meaning “radiance” or “brightness,” it suggests a path to one’s destiny.
  9. Estelle – Of French origin, meaning “star,” it represents the idea of fate and destiny guiding one’s life.
  10. Zoltan – A Hungarian name meaning “life” or “destiny.” It has a strong and powerful sound.
  11. Elysia – Derived from the Greek word “elysium,” meaning “heaven” or “paradise,” it has a dreamy and enchanting feel.
  12. Fayiz – This Arabic name means “victorious” or “successful,” suggesting a destined path towards success.
  13. Karma – Of Sanskrit origin, meaning “action” or “fate.” It is associated with the idea of one’s actions determining their destiny.
  14. Niamh – Derived from the Irish word “niam,” meaning “radiance” or “brightness,” it suggests a path to one’s destiny.
  15. Serenity – English name directly signifying calm and peace, often linked with fate and destiny guiding one’s life journey.
  16. Talia – From the Greek word “thallein,” meaning “to blossom,” it symbolizes one’s destiny coming to fruition.
  17. Zelda – This German name means “blessed” or “lucky,” suggesting a fate of good fortune and blessings.
  18. Destiny – Another straightforward option, this English name embodies the idea of one’s chosen path in life.
  19. Dimitri – Of Greek origin, meaning “follower of Demeter,” the goddess of fate and destiny.
  20. Kismet – Turkish name meaning “fate” or “destiny.” It has a unique and exotic sound.
  21. Orlaith – Derived from the Irish word “orla,” meaning “golden princess,” it suggests a destined life of royalty.
  22. Wyatt – Of English origin, meaning “brave in war” or “guide.” It has connotations of one’s fate leading them to bravery and leadership.
  23. Yara – Meaning “small butterfly” in Arabic, this name symbolizes one’s destiny taking flight.
  24. Anastasia – Greek name meaning “resurrection” or “rebirth,” suggesting a destined path of transformation and renewal.
  25. Kenzo – Japanese name meaning “wise child” or “third-born son,” associated with a destined life of wisdom and guidance.

Wrapping Up

Throughout history, names have held significant meaning and symbolism.

Whether it be representing a certain quality or characteristic, conveying a desired destiny or fate, or simply embodying the beauty of life itself, names hold power and importance.

Choosing a name for your child is an important decision and should not be taken lightly.

Consider the meanings behind different names and choose one that resonates with you and your desires for your child’s life.

And remember, no matter the name you choose, it is ultimately up to the individual to create their own destiny and write their own story.

A name may hold significance, but it is the person behind it who truly brings it to life. 

So embrace your chosen name and go forth on your journey with confidence and determination.

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