90 Captivating Names That Mean Rainbow For Girls & Boys

Are you searching for perfect names that mean rainbow or colorful? Welcome to our vibrant exploration of names that paint the world with every hue of the rainbow and its beautiful symbolism!

Whether you’re expecting a little one, naming a character in your latest creative venture, or simply love to discover the meanings behind names, you’re in for a treat.

Each name on our list is a kaleidoscope of cultures, languages, and stories, all united by a single, beautiful phenomenon – the rainbow.

These names shimmer with the promise of diversity, hope, and the sheer joy of color.

Get ready to be inspired by names that echo the splendor of nature’s most enchanting masterpiece.

Significance of Rainbow Baby Name

Rainbow babies are children born after a loss, such as miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death.

Some babies go through tough times before they’re born, but the calm and happy feeling afterwards is just like seeing a rainbow after a storm.

Their name symbolizes the hope and healing that comes after a stormy period in life.

Choosing a rainbow-inspired name for your bundle of joy can be a way to honor the journey you’ve been on and cherish the new beginning that awaits.

It can also be a way to acknowledge and remember the little one you have lost, while celebrating the new life that has come into your world.

Rainbow Baby Name

Baby Girl Names That Mean Rainbow

  1. Abha – Captivate with this Hindi name for girls, symbolizing “light, aura, splendor.”
  2. Akiko – A Japanese name that sparkles with the meaning “bright child,” embodying color and joy.
  3. Amitola – Embrace the mystique of a “rainbow” with this name, cherished in Native American and Mexican cultures.
  4. Anuenue – Dive into the vibrancy of Hawaii with “Anuenue,” meaning rainbow, a name blessed by the Hawaiian goddess.
  5. Apsara – For the spiritually inclined, “Apsara” offers a Sanskrit choice meaning “one who moves among clouds.”
  6. Aya – A name for the creatively gifted, this Japanese moniker means “design, colorful, beautiful.”
  7. Bunzi – Inspired by the Kongo rain goddess, “Bunzi” is a name that paints with all the hues of the rain.
  8. CǎiHóng – A Mandarin gem meaning rainbow in the sky, perfect for a girl as lovely as the phenomenon itself.
  9. Dorothy – A nod to “The Wizard of Oz,” meaning “gift of God” for a girl who dreams of technicolor skies.
  10. Duha – “Rainbow” in Czech, a succinct and beautiful choice.
  11. Eirisse – A Greek variant of Iris, “Eirisse” meaning rainbow, offering a spectacularly pretty option.
  12. Enfys – With Welsh origins, “Enfys” is a retro and adorable name meaning “rainbow.”
  13. Hila – A name with dual significance, meaning “halo” in Hebrew and “hope” in Pashto, akin to a rainbow’s inspiration.
  14. Iiris – For those fond of vowels, the Finnish “Iiris” translates directly to “rainbow.”
  15. Irida – A beautiful Greek alternative to Iris, adding an ultra-feminine touch.
  16. Iridessa – Conjuring thoughts of glimmering lights with its play on “iridescent.”
  17. Iridiana – A magical twist on “iridian,” adorned with an ‘a’ for added enchantment.
  18. Iris – Directly meaning rainbow, this name also represents a flower and a Greek goddess.
  19. Irissa – A softer take on Iris, maintaining its Greek heritage.
  20. Irita – A delightful variant of Iris, embodying the essence of a “rainbow.”
  21. Irsia – A dreamy Persian name meaning “colors of wonder, rainbow.”
  22. Itzayana – “Rainbow lady” in Mayan, a radiant choice reflecting a divine gift.
  23. Ixchel – Drawing from the Mayan goddess of midwifery, “Ixchel” means “rainbow lady.”
  24. Julunggul – An Aboriginal name inspired by a “rainbow serpent” deity, offering a unique choice.
  25. Kahukura – A Maori name translating to “rainbow,” distinguished by its length.
  26. Koko – A playful and sweet Japanese name representing rainbows and storks.
  27. Lesedi – “Woman of light” in southern African dialects, as dazzling as a rainbow.
  28. Malina – An Inuit name for a “sun goddess,” bursting with vibrancy and hope.
  29. Manzat – Represents a goddess personification of the rainbow in Western Asian mythologies.
  30. Maya – Inspired by Angelou, reminding us to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.
  31. Meriweather – A Disney fairy surname that evokes the joy of splendid weather.
  32. Narangerel – In Mongolian, it means “sunlight,” essential for creating rainbows.
  33. Nuanua – “Rainbow” in Samoan, perfect for cheerful island spirits.
  34. Opal – A gemstone name that reveals rainbow hues upon closer inspection.
  35. Osumare – Celebrating the African rainbow deity, this Yoruba name means “rainbow.”
  36. Prendre – An Albanian goddess of love, known to wear a rainbow as her belt.
  37. Rung – A name meaning “colorful” or “rainbow,” with Thai and Indian roots.
  38. Solongo – An enchanting Mongolian name meaning rainbow, melodious and unique.
  39. Solveig – Old Norse for those who marvel at the “strength of the sun” and its rainbows.
  40. Sunbeam – The epitome of happiness, inspired by the sun and its magical rainbows.
  41. Synnøve – A Scandinavian name meaning “sun gift,” evoking images of rainbows.
  42. Tagwanibisan – Signifying “rainbow” with Native American origins.
  43. Tiranna – A Sumerian alternative to Manzat, named after the Mesopotamian rainbow goddess.
  44. Vaiva – A sassy Lithuanian pick among “rainbow” names.
  45. Violet – A color name from the spectrum of a rainbow, embodying elegance and beauty.
  46. Ziazan – An Armenian delight meaning “rainbow,” uniquely beautiful.

Baby Boy Names That Mean Rainbow

  1. Avilion – spectacular with the meaning of “golden rainbow,” a great literary name.
  2. Baldur – after a Norse god of light, with the strikingly regal meaning of “prince.”
  3. Chitrachap – a rare Hindu name, giving off that “bright, colorful, rainbow” aesthetic.
  4. George – meaning “farmer, earthworker,” borne by a pink hippo puppet from the TV show Rainbow.
  5. Heliodoro – a sweet Spanish name for your “gift from the sun” rainbow baby.
  6. Horus – after the infamous Egyptian god of weather and rainstorms, for babies born in dramatic weather.
  7. Indra – the Hindu god of war and thunder, who shoots lighting arrows from a rainbow bow.
  8. Iridian – a cool adjective describing a dazzling rainbow of color.
  9. Jamshid – is joyous and vivid among Persian male names, referring to “shining sun rays.”
  10. Joseph – meaning “God will give,” like the technicolor dreamcoat owner in the Bible (and musical theater).
  11. Mayur – meaning “peacock,” this Hindi boy’s name is gloriously colorful and proud.
  12. Motley – after an archaic term meaning “colorful,” synonymous with rainbows.
  13. Musoke – a cool “rainbow” name from African religion.
  14. Nuada – rich in Irish legend, this bright name means “cloud maker.”
  15. Oscar – after Wilde, who said, “When it rains, look for rainbows, when it’s dark, look for stars.”
  16. Tangakwunu – of Native American (Hopi) roots, solid among “rainbow” baby boy names.
  17. Tuyen – a rainbow-themed boy name from Sino-Vietnamese, meaning “angel, ray, line.”
  18. Uenuku – after an atua (Polynesian god) of rainbows in Maori culture.
  19. Walken – a celebrity surname and Australian aboriginal boy name meaning “rainbow.”

Gender-neutral Names That Mean “Rainbow”

  1. Arcoíris – “Rainbow” in Spanish, a wonderful choice for vibrant children.
  2. Arcus – Named after the goddess of rainbows in various mythologies.
  3. Caihong – A unique name among Chinese names meaning rainbow, also the name of an intriguing, extinct dinosaur resembling a bird.
  4. Cozamalotl – A distinctive Aztec name that translates to “rainbow.”
  5. Ellianther – A Tolkien creation, this rare literary surname signifies “lover of rainbows.”
  6. Hong – A meaningful Chinese name inspired by a mythological two-headed dragon representing a rainbow.
  7. Indigo – A deep blue-purple hue found within the rainbow, both mysterious and captivating.
  8. Itzel – A beautiful name meaning rainbow, revered among Native American names.
  9. Jalus – In Tibetan culture, this important name means “rainbow body.”
  10. Keshet – A Hebrew name meaning “rainbow,” simple yet enchanting.
  11. Miku – A delicate, significant name meaning “beautiful sky” in Japanese.
  12. Niji – A delightful Japanese name that translates directly to “rainbow.”
  13. Nijiko – Adding the affectionate “ko” suffix to mean “rainbow child.”
  14. Pride – A meaningful English name, particularly resonant within Pride communities.
  15. Prism – Evocative of rainbow light refractions, a unique and thoughtful name.
  16. Rain – An earthy, charming choice, pairs well with the name Bow for a thematic duo.
  17. Rainbeau – A modern, creatively spelled name combining Rainbow with the French word for beautiful, “beau.”
  18. Rainbow – The epitome of names meaning “rainbow,” ideal for colorful and bright children.
  19. Ray – A unisex name reminiscent of a cheerful beam of light.
  20. Sabrang – An exquisite Hindu name meaning “rainbow,” suitable for both genders.
  21. Sky / Skye – For children as beautiful and expansive as the sky itself.
  22. Skylar – While it means “scholar,” it evokes the endless, colorful sky.

Bottom Line!

Choosing a name for your little one is like painting their future with the brightest colors of the rainbow.

It’s more than just a label; it’s a first gift, a lifelong identity, and perhaps a prophecy of the vibrant personality they are to develop.

Whether inspired by ancient myths, the natural world, or the sheer joy of color, each name carries its unique hue and story.

May your choice reflect the hope, diversity, and beauty that rainbows bring into our lives, casting a light of possibilities and positivity on your child’s path.

Together, let’s celebrate the spectrum of life and the endless potential it holds for our most precious rainbows – our children.

So, go ahead and pick a name that will make your little one shine as bright as the sun and its magical rainbows!

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