People have long been drawn to the idea of gods. From Greek Zeus to Eastern Quan Yin, these beings have held our attention for ages.
As we keep exploring these ideas in books, games, and spiritual practices, we need fresh, meaningful god names. This has led us to create the Gods Name Generator.
This tool gives you 5 made-up names for gods, drawing from Roman, Hindu, Greek, and Norse gods. These names fit various cultures.
Why Gods Names Matter?
Before we look at god name ideas or use our Gods Name Generator, let’s think about why these names are important in different cultures and beliefs.
Names have power within – they shape how we think, stir up feelings, and carry deep cultural and historical meaning.
This is especially true for god names, which often sum up what the god does, their qualities, and how much people respect them.
In many beliefs, a god’s name is holy, sometimes too sacred to say out loud. The Tetragrammaton in Judaism, which stands for God’s name, shows this respect well.
In other cultures, knowing a god’s true name was thought to give power over that god. This shows how important these names were thought to be.
God Name Generator
The Evolution of Gods Name Creation
Historically, the names of gods emerged through complex processes of cultural evolution, linguistic development, and religious practices.
Some were derived from natural phenomena (Thor, the god of thunder), while others were abstract concepts given divine personification (Fortuna, the goddess of luck).
The creation of god names was often a collective, generational process, with names evolving and adapting over centuries.
In modern times, particularly in the realms of fiction, gaming, and new spiritual movements, there’s a need for rapid creation of believable and evocative god names.
This is where god name generators come into play, bridging the gap between ancient traditions and contemporary creative needs.
Popular Gods Name
- Zeus – Greek king of the gods
- Thor – Norse god of thunder
- Athena – Greek goddess of wisdom
- Ra – Egyptian sun god
- Odin – Norse all-father
- Isis – Egyptian goddess of magic
- Shiva – Hindu god of destruction and transformation
- Amaterasu – Japanese sun goddess
- Quetzalcoatl – Aztec god of wind and learning
- Hades – Greek god of the underworld
- Freya – Norse goddess of love and war
- Anubis – Egyptian god of the dead
- Ganesha – Hindu god of wisdom and success
- Apollo – Greek/Roman god of sun and arts
- Loki – Norse trickster god
- Kali – Hindu goddess of time and destruction
- Poseidon – Greek god of the sea
- Ares – Greek god of war
- Hera – Greek queen of the gods
- Bastet – Egyptian goddess of home and cats
- Vishnu – Hindu god of preservation
- Persephone – Greek goddess of spring and queen of the underworld
- Osiris – Egyptian god of the afterlife
- Tyr – Norse god of war and justice
- Saraswati – Hindu goddess of knowledge and arts
Greek Gods Name
Greek mythology is one of the most well-known and influential sources of deities, each representing diverse forces of nature, love, war, and wisdom.
These gods and goddesses were revered by the ancient Greeks and continue to inspire modern stories.
- Zeus – King of the gods, god of the sky and thunder
- Hera – Queen of the gods, goddess of marriage and childbirth
- Poseidon – God of the sea, earthquakes, and horses
- Athena – Goddess of wisdom, war strategy, and crafts
- Apollo – God of music, poetry, prophecy, and healing
- Artemis – Goddess of the hunt, wilderness, and childbirth
- Ares – God of war and violence
- Aphrodite – Goddess of love, beauty, and passion
- Hermes – Messenger god, god of trade, thieves, and travel
- Hades – God of the underworld and the dead
- Demeter – Goddess of agriculture, fertility, and the harvest
- Dionysus – God of wine, revelry, and ecstasy
- Hephaestus – God of fire, metalworking, and craftsmanship
- Persephone – Goddess of spring and queen of the underworld
- Eros – God of love and desire
- Helios – God of the sun
- Selene – Goddess of the moon
- Nike – Goddess of victory
- Nemesis – Goddess of revenge and retribution
- Hecate – Goddess of witchcraft and magic
- Pan – God of nature, shepherds, and flocks
- Asclepius – God of medicine and healing
- Cronus – Titan god of time and the harvest
- Rhea – Titaness of motherhood and fertility
- Gaia – Primordial goddess of the earth
- Uranus – Primordial god of the sky
- Nyx – Primordial goddess of the night
- Prometheus – Titan who gave fire to humanity
- Themis – Titaness of divine law and order
- Mnemosyne – Titaness of memory

Japanese God Names
Japanese mythology is deeply intertwined with the Shinto religion, and its gods (known as “kami”) govern everything from natural forces to the afterlife.
- Amaterasu – Goddess of the sun and universe
- Tsukuyomi – God of the moon
- Susanoo – God of storms and the sea
- Inari – God of rice, fertility, and foxes
- Raijin – God of thunder and lightning
- Fujin – God of wind
- Izanagi – Primordial god, creator of Japan and the world
- Izanami – Goddess of creation and death
- Hachiman – God of war and the divine protector of Japan
- Tenjin – God of education and scholarship
- Benten – Goddess of music, art, and wisdom
- Ebisu – God of prosperity and luck, particularly for fishermen
- Daikokuten – God of wealth and prosperity
- Jizo – God of travelers and protector of children
- Kagutsuchi – God of fire
- Omoikane – God of wisdom and intelligence
- Kushinadahime – Goddess of rice and agriculture
- Ame-no-Uzume – Goddess of dawn, mirth, and revelry
- Okuninushi – God of medicine and nation-building
- Konohanasakuya-hime – Goddess of Mount Fuji and blossoms
- Ninigi – Grandson of Amaterasu, sent to earth to plant rice
- Oyamatsumi – God of mountains and warriors
- Takeminakata – God of agriculture and warfare
- Hoori – God of fishing and hunting
- Futsunushi – God of swords and martial strength
- Uzume – Goddess of joy and happiness
- Tsukiyomi – God of the moon and time
- Takemikazuchi – God of thunder and swords
- Kamado-no-Kami – God of fire and the hearth
- Munakata – Three sea goddesses, protectors of sailors
Roman Gods Name
Roman mythology is heavily influenced by Greek mythology, though it has its own distinct features and cultural context.
Roman gods are often associated with important civic virtues, state power, and practical matters.
- Jupiter – King of the gods, god of the sky and thunder
- Juno – Queen of the gods, goddess of marriage and childbirth
- Neptune – God of the sea, earthquakes, and horses
- Minerva – Goddess of wisdom, war, and crafts
- Mars – God of war
- Venus – Goddess of love, beauty, and fertility
- Apollo – God of the sun, music, and prophecy
- Diana – Goddess of the hunt, moon, and childbirth
- Mercury – Messenger god, god of commerce and travelers
- Pluto – God of the underworld and the dead
- Ceres – Goddess of agriculture, fertility, and the harvest
- Vesta – Goddess of the hearth, home, and family
- Vulcan – God of fire and metalworking
- Bacchus – God of wine, revelry, and ecstasy
- Proserpina – Goddess of the underworld and springtime
- Cupid – God of love and desire
- Saturn – God of time, wealth, and agriculture
- Victoria – Goddess of victory
- Faunus – God of forests, fields, and wild nature
- Quirinus – God of war and state
- Hercules – God of strength and heroism
- Pax – Goddess of peace
- Libertas – Goddess of freedom
- Honos – God of honor
- Concordia – Goddess of harmony and agreement
- Fama – Goddess of rumor and fame
- Spes – Goddess of hope
- Luna – Goddess of the moon
- Bona Dea – Goddess of fertility, healing, and women
- Priapus – God of gardens, fertility, and male virility
Hindu Gods and Goddesses
These deities play significant roles in Hindu mythology and are worshipped across various traditions within Hinduism.
Each god or goddess is associated with specific attributes, stories, and areas of influence in the cosmic order.
- Brahma – The creator god
- Vishnu – The preserver god
- Shiva – The destroyer god
- Ganesha – God of wisdom and remover of obstacles
- Krishna – Avatar of Vishnu, divine teacher
- Rama – Avatar of Vishnu, embodiment of dharma
- Hanuman – Monkey god, devotee of Rama
- Lakshmi – Goddess of wealth and prosperity
- Saraswati – Goddess of knowledge and arts
- Durga – Warrior goddess, destroyer of evil
- Kali – Fierce goddess of time and change
- Parvati – Goddess of love and devotion
- Indra – King of the gods, god of thunder
- Agni – God of fire
- Surya – Sun god
- Chandra – Moon god
- Yama – God of death and dharma
- Varuna – God of water and celestial ocean
- Vayu – God of wind
- Kartikeya – God of war, son of Shiva
Norse Gods Name
Norse mythology is filled with tales of gods and goddesses, heroes, and mythical creatures. The Norse gods often deal with themes of creation, war, death, and fate.
- Odin – The all-father, god of wisdom, war, and death
- Thor – God of thunder, storms, and strength
- Loki – Trickster god, god of mischief and chaos
- Freya – Goddess of love, beauty, and fertility
- Frey – God of fertility, prosperity, and fair weather
- Tyr – God of war and justice
- Balder – God of beauty, love, and happiness
- Hel – Goddess of the underworld
- Frigg – Goddess of marriage, motherhood, and prophecy
- Njord – God of the sea and wind
- Skadi – Goddess of winter, hunting, and skiing
- Idun – Goddess of youth and keeper of the apples of immortality
- Bragi – God of poetry and eloquence
- Heimdall – Guardian of the Bifrost bridge
- Vidar – God of vengeance and silence
- Forseti – God of justice and reconciliation
- Ullr – God of archery, hunting, and skiing
- Ran – Goddess of the sea
- Aegir – God of the sea and brewing
- Sif – Goddess of fertility and family
- Hermod – Messenger of the gods
- Fenrir – Monstrous wolf, prophesied to kill Odin
- Jormungandr – Midgard serpent, destined to fight Thor
- Ymir – Primordial giant from whom the world was created
- Mimir – Wise being, guardian of the well of wisdom
- Sigyn – Loyal wife of Loki
- Nanna – Goddess of joy and peace, wife of Balder
- Valkyries – Female spirits who choose the slain in battle
- Surt – Fire giant, destined to bring about Ragnarok
- Angrboda – Giantess, mother of Fenrir, Hel, and Jormungandr.
The Goddesses and Gods Name Generator opens up a realm of divine inspiration for writers, game developers, and creative minds alike.
By blending mythological elements from various cultures, this tool offers an endless wellspring of unique and powerful names for your characters and settings.
Whether you’re crafting an epic fantasy novel, designing a new role-playing game, or simply seeking inspiration for your next art project.
These divine monikers can add depth and intrigue to your creations.